Caucasian female 73 y/o was admitted to the hospital with acute aortic dissection. Transthoracic eco indicated that MR 4 and TR 3 were also present. After quick preop set up PT was urgently operated on. The dissected aorta was resected and hemiarch procedure was performed with implantation of the Vascutek #30 prosthesis. PT was in deep hypothermia (T=28C) and total circulatory arrest was established for 57 minutes. Brain was protected with cerebral anterograde perfusion through brachiocephalic trunk. MR and TR were also corrected by annuloplasty. The patient was discharged on the PO day #13 w/o complication. PT was doing well 3 month after surgery.
Preop view of the Aortic Dissection Arrangement of the proximal anastomosis with aortic cross clamp Tailoring of the graft and preparation for open distal anastomosis Final view after surgey